plant based- LivinG Foods

Made from a simple combination of natural, whole plant-based ingredients ~ free from animal products, resulting in an explosion of flavours, nutrients and high in fiber.

Kind to your body, animals and our planet.

3 Times a day, every day, we make a life changing decision.

Great health starts on your plate!


  • Aids Detoxification

  • Mental clarity & focus

  • Radiant skin

  • Supports liver function

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Promotes healthy gut function

  • Increased energy & stamina

  • Improves digestion & weight loss

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key benefits of sprouted bread

EASY TO DIGEST - SCIENCE BASED - gut boosting bread

At Ready Raw we go above and beyond not only because of our sprouting process, but also in terms of taste, flavour and nutrition. Here’s why;

Ready Raw Bread is sprouted

Our seeds are germinated and full of life to bring you the very best nutrient dense, low-carb, FLOURLESS, GLUTEN-FREE and GRAIN-FREE breads and crackers.

Increased Nutrition & Bio-Availability

The sprouting process breaks down phytic acid and lectins. The germination process releases enzymes that reduces carbohydrates and increases key nutrients, protein and vitamins.

Making the seeds easier on the digestive system and the nutrients easier for the body to assimilate, more readily digestible and especially beneficial for those with allergies & gluten sensitivities.

No Yeast - no flour - no soya - no gluten - no grains - no nuts - No Fillers

Our breads are unique in that there is nothing added to our breads other than sprouted seeds, (herbs, spices and dried fruits for our variety of flavours.)

 Healthy GUT - our second brain

There are many possible imbalances in your body that may drive illness. Let’s take a deeper look at the gut and why it may be at the root of your chronic symptoms.

The gut and brain are connected via the vagus nerve and develop from the same tissue from foetal development. The gut-brain-axis is responsible for the correlation between the microbiome, brain function, and emotional behaviour.

Similar to a rainforest, the bacteria in your gut form an interdependent ecosystem known as our ‘second brain’, comprising of some 100 million neurons (more than the spinal cord and even outnumbers human cells).

Your gut, contains even more neurotransmitters than your brain yet can function independent of the brain unlike any other organ in your body!

Your gut wall houses 70% percent of the cells that makes up your immune system and the functioning of your digestive tract, including 500 species and three pounds of bacteria essential to breaking down and digesting food, keeping out toxins and absorbing nutrients. It also plays a vital role in the immune system and affects the health of the entire body.

You might not attribute digestive problems with allergies, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, leaky gut, acne, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, autism, dementia and cancer.

The food we eat not only feeds our cells, but also determines what kind of inner garden we are growing in our gut. This garden is filled with bugs that determine your health, your emotional and mental wellbeing.

Too much bad gut flora (bad bacteria, parasites & fungi) or not enough good ones, can spell serious trouble for your health and your waistline.

The good news :) Your microbiome changes with every bite of food!

You can positively alter gut flora beginning with your very next meal.

The foundation of good gut health begins with what you eat.

Gut bacteria thrive on what you feed them.

  • Give them whole, plant-based foods, high in natural fibre = good gut bacteria thrive.

  • Feed them junk, fibreless processed foods and bad bacteria flourish = resulting in leaky gut, toxic overload, and inflammation.

“Prebiotic” foods contain intact plant cell walls, supporting a healthy gut ecosystem in which healthy bacteria can thrive and enrich more nutrients reaching throughout the lower gastrointestinal system.

What’s Harming Your Mitochondria?

When you’re younger, your mitochondria are well protected by your body’s natural defences. As you age, that protection fades. The older you get, the faster your mitochondria deteriorate and become dysfunctional.

Mitochondrial dysfunction has the most significant impact in high energy-demanding tissues and organs like your brain, heart, and muscles.

Studies show that brain cells in people over 70, on average, contain 50% more mitochondrial damage than brain cells in middle-aged adults.

So what is it that affects oxidative activity in your cells? What choices increase or decrease the damaging oxidative load in your body?

Right at the top of the list of factors is your DIET.

What you eat can make or break the health of your mitochondria.

Your mitochondria are nourished by certain foods and harmed by others. So you could say that a healthy diet is one that supports mitochondrial function and prevents dysfunction.

Most people who eat a primarily processed food diet are burning carbohydrates as their primary fuel. Burning carbs for fuel shuts down your body’s ability to burn fat. This is a major reason why so many people find it nearly impossible to lose weight and keep it off.

When your body is burning primarily carbs for fuel, it creates excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) and secondary free radicals, which damage cellular mitochondrial membranes and DNA.

When you eat a low net carb diet (total carbs minus fiber) with adequate protein and a high amount of quality fats – or a cyclical ketogenic diet – you can reach a state called “nutritional ketosis” in which your body burns fat as its primary fuel, instead of sugar.

In ketosis, your body regains its metabolic flexibility to burn fat for fuel and your liver creates water-soluble fats called ketones that burn far more efficiently than carbs.

This metabolic state reduces the creation of ROSs, helping to protect your mitochondria from damage.

Why a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet May Be Your Mitochondria’s Best Friend.

One of the most effective strategies you can implement for boosting your mitochondria – and your overall health; is to teach your body to burn fat through ketosis.

‘Clean burning’ ketones create far fewer reactive oxygen species and secondary free radicals to damage your cellular and mitochondrial DNA, membranes and proteins.

The action of ketones in the body also mimics the lifespan-extending effects of calorie restriction or fasting, including optimal glucose metabolism. This can be very helpful if you’re working on maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

But as beneficial as a ketogenic diet is for your mitochondria, it’s not recommended to stay on it for an extended period of time.

Once you’re able to burn fat for fuel, it’s best to switch over to a cyclical ketogenic diet, or feast-famine. At that point, you begin cycling in and out of nutritional ketosis by upping your carb and protein intake once or twice a week.

Surprisingly, by periodically “pulsing” or consuming a higher carb intake – say, 100 or 150 grams of carbs opposed to 20 to 50 grams per day – your ketone levels will dramatically increase, and your blood sugar will drop.

After a day or two of this feasting, you then cycle back into nutritional ketosis (the low-carb, high-fat “fasting” stage) for the remainder of the week.

Why Choose Plant-Based?

Animal protein vs plant protein influences the gut microbiota in different ways, with animal protein displaying lower abundances of beneficial bacteria.

Whole plant foods have protective effects;

  • Promoting a diverse ecosystem of beneficial microbes favouring the growth of beneficial fiber-degrading bacteria in the colon.


  • Modern western diets containing more ultra-processed foods, high animal protein and acellular nutrients (sugar/flour/alcohol) inducing inflammation, an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and inflammatory bowel disease.

Helps Maintain Stable Blood Sugar Levels

Traditionally breads made from refined flours into various products are notorious for spiking blood sugar. The body metabolises these grains very quickly, similarly to sugar, which can cause problems for diabetes or lead to inflammatory issues.

Since our breads are made from sprouted seeds, they act more similarly to vegetables in the body - High in fibre, they digest slowly and avoid blood sugar spikes.


Taking care of your gut is an essential step towards wellness. These are not miracle cures but common results that occur when you normalize gut function and flora through improved diet and increased fiber intake.

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